NIM:E01304025. Bibliografi hlm. 94-96.
NIM:B04208054. Bibliografi hlm. 122-125.
NIM:B04208033. Bibliografi hlm. 103-105.
NIM:B02208007. Bibliografi hlm. 116-117.
NIM:B02208032. Bibliografi hlm. 101-102.
Systems emerging nowadays often tend to be the choice of society, including for preschool field, is fullday kindergarten system. In addition, this system often becomes interest of various parties, …
In economic activities, the government has a very important role in allocating and distributing economic resources for the greatest prosperity its people. In addition, the government also has a rol…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1)mengetahui implementasi model pembelajaran IPS Terpadu di SMP Kota Surakarta; 2)mengindentifikasi faktor-faktor penghambat, dan 3)mengetahui upaya-upaya yang dila…