Skripsi ini merupakan hasil penelitian dengan judul “Analisis Yuridis Terhadap Penetapan Pengadilan Agama Mojokerto Nomor: 0052/Pdt.P/2014/PA.Mr. Tentang Pencabutan Atas Surat Penolakan Perkawina…
The approach used by teachers is one of crucial factors which can determine the success of learning process. All in one of effective approaches that can be applied in teaching Arabic. This approach…
The approach used by teachers is one of crucial factors which can determine the success of learning process. All in one of effective approaches that can be applied in teaching Arabic. This approach…
NIM: D01302055. Bibliografi hlm. 100-103.
NIM:E02300228. Bibliografi hlm. 65-67.
NIM:D35206005. Bibliografi hlm. 60-61.
NIM:E03206061. Bibliografi hlm.81-83.
The approach used by teachers is one of crucial factors which can determine the success of learning process. All in one of effective approaches that can be applied in teaching Arabic. This approach…