NIM:A01207027. Bibliografi hlm.73-76.
NIM:C01208087. Bibliografi hlm. 73-74.
NIM:D33206014. Bibliografi hlm. 120-122.
In this article, the author presents the results of the research on the use of religious symbols during the election of the governor of Lampung held in 2008. It focuses on three main questions: 1)f…
Kemajuan sains dan teknologi yang dicapai oleh masyarakat modern ternyata tidak mampu memberikan kepuasan bagi kehidupan manusia yang humanis dengan dilandasi nilai-nilai moral agama. Era modern ba…
The article tries to survey western orientalists perspections on hadits. It attempts to examine the orientalists views on hadits as the isnad system [chain of transmitter] as a mechanisme in accept…
a gereat number of classical treaties, ususally called manuscripts, can be found in Lombok, an island in west nusa tenggara province. All the manuscripts indicate the writing traditon has been grow…
Abdurrahman wahid's [Gus Dur's] ideas on reformation are offered and it causes a new atmosphere of thought pattern in Nahdhatul Ulama. Liberalism, democracy, and universalism become the main icons …
Hukum Islam yang bersumber dari al Qur'an dan al Sunnah mempunyai tujuan untuk mendidik yang baik, menjadikan keadilan di masyarakat dan mewujudkan kemaslahatan umat manusia bertumpu pada terpeliha…