NIM: B04300088. Bibliografi hlm. 87.
NIM: B01300354. Bibliografi hlm. 89-90.
NIM: B01300220. Bibliografi hlm. 64.
NIM: B04300089.
Tulisan ini mengupas kedudukan temuan-temuan sains sebagai bahan atau sumber dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat tentang kealaman dalam al Qur'an. pemanfaatan temuan-temuan sains untuk menafsirkan al Qur'a…
The research focuses of this study are the categorization of muhallil marriage and their legal status. This study uses qualitative normative approach and library research as the instrument. The res…
In this article the writer explains that al Qur'an can be approached academically by dig some realities that al qur'an can be interpreted by science methodes. Tfsir ilmi is one of exegesis kind foc…
Tesis (M.A.) - IAIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya, 2002.