The precise meaning of jihad is confusing to even moslem themselves and, let alone, nonmoslem. Many conceive jihad as a sort of physical war againts enemies. Jihad also means conquering and subjuga…
al Qur'an adalah berbahasa Arab, agar bisa memahaminya terlebih dahulu harus memahami artinya perkata, kemudian memahami jenis-jenisnya, selanjutnya mengamati perubahannya, dengan adanya awalan, ak…
Recently, Most the college of Islamic religion conducted the program of Islamic economic. But, they before appears readiness in aspects of curriculum, facilities neither human resources, as the sup…
Tesis (M.A.)--IAIN Alauddin, Ujung Pandang, 1997.
Judul Asli : al Thuruq al khukmiyyah fi al siyasah al syar'iyyah. Indeks; hlm. 461-464.
Bibliogrfi: 207 hlm.