This article affers critical, humanist, populist education in a context of educational dynamics in Indonesia. Education, in the globalization era, like is being tasted to give a dilematics answer, …
Intisari filsafat adalah berfikir secara sistematik dan metodik atas dasar realita empirik inderawi, terikat dimensi ruang dan waktu.Dalam epistimologi ada dua aliran.Pertama, rasionalisme atau ide…
In education there are some required aspects to form human being in balance.Those are cognitive (head), affective (heart), and psychomotor (skill).But in reality, requirement of cognitive aspects w…
In practice, Islamiceducation and other education are still many problems experienced facilities and infrastructure. Whereas in the educational infrastructure issues became the main supporting fact…
In practice, Islamiceducation and other education are still many problems experienced facilities and infrastructure. Whereas in the educational infrastructure issues became the main supporting fact…
Education that has been undertaken in Indonesia bases on Pancasila dan UUD 1945 coming from religious values and Indonesia national culture. Religion of the education in Indonesia should be held on…
Bibliografi: Hlm.129.