To obtain the closeness to God is the main purpose of the sufi order, like Rabi'ah al Adawiyyah has done. This purpose, however, can not be obtain without hard endeavor and exercise though such cer…
Merupakan satu bagian sistem hukum Indonesia yang hadir melalui rangkaian proses sejarah panjang. Hukum Islam sendiri telah diakui di Indonesia sejak masuknya Islam di Indonesia dan diberlakukan se…
This article analyzes the discourse of children education in the Qur'an. Family environment is the first milieu though which every child undergoes. The success of children's future will depend very…
Syari'at Islam menjain terciptanya kemaslahatan ymmat dunia dan akhirat. Hukum Islam bersifat universal, namun sejak masa-masa awal dengan adanya ijtihad, ia dapat berkembang menjawab tuntutan seti…
Pesrpektif fenomenologi dapat dijadikan terobosan untk keluar dari kesulitan.Tindakan semacam ini dibenarkan oleh ayat-ayat dan hadist-hadist tentang yusr dan murunah (elatisitas) hukum syariat.Tan…
This studi is aimed at knowing the application and development of the Islamic Education in Pesantren Nurul Hikmah Sooko Mojokerto in facing the modernization. This study uses descriptive analitic a…
This article analyzes the discourse of children education in the Qur'an. Family environment is the first millieu thought which every child undergoes. The success of children's future will depend ve…