A thesis is the students’ final requirement for a bachelor’s degree in the English education department at IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. It is considered as an academic writing because it is a sci…
There are some competences that the teacher must master. However, the most rncrucial competence is the pedagogical competence. In this study, pedagogical rncompetence is about the ability in lesson…
The present study attempts to investigate the use of English by Radio Programrnthat is used by the eleventh grade English teacher in MA Banu Hasyim to teach rnlistening skill. The research occurred…
English has been taught to students since they were at elementary or junior high school. In fact, they still get difficulties and have misunderstanding in English grammatical structures, and meanin…
Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan level kesadaran gramatika rnbahasa dari siswa semester 6 jurusan pendidikan bahasa inggris. Yang kedua, rnpenelitian ini juga bertujuan untk menget…
Sekolah adalah sebagai bagian dari pendidikan nasional yang nantinya dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan, pengetahuan, kepribadian, dan akhlak mulia. Begitu pula dengan disiplin diri merupakan aspek utam…
NIM:D05206071. Bibliografi hlm. 90-92.