Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk 1) mengkaji kebijakan madrasah diniyah menurut Perda Kota Serang 1/2010 dan Perwal Kota Serang 17/2013; 2) mengkaji syarat melanjutkan ke SMP/MTs dalam merealisas…
This article is a field research on the application of the Regional Autonomy Law No. 32 year 2004, jo PERDA (Regional Regulation) No. 7 year 2006 about the local government in Waru-Sidoarjo. The re…
This study is concerned with teaching reading in senior high school. The rnresearcher wants to know to what extent does the implementation of SQ3R technique to improve students’ reading comprehen…
The curriculum of Islamic education applied in private senior high schools is not the same from one to another because they are permitted to implement the curriculum legalized by the Ministry of Na…
Globalization, it is widely perceived, has become a major factor that undermines traditional values, cultures, and customs, including the roles which were traditionally assumed by customary institu…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the development and the implementation of religious education curriculum developed by senior high schools [SMA] under religious foundations. This is a ca…