In the era of globalization characterized by a rapid flow of information, people, and goods with ni limits the issue of multiculturalism has been to be a challenge to Muslims. Intercultural meeting…
Kehidupan multikultural manusia merupakan potensi konflik dalam berbagai hal, baik antar individu maupun antar kelompok, sebagai akibat dari adanya perbedaan perspektif, kepentingan, dan tujuan hid…
Multicultural phenomena already become a reality in a global society. Therefore, it is a challenge for the development of a tolerant and pluralist culture. In this context a multicultural paradigm …
Most Muslims' permanent negative perceptions of jews, or can be called Jewish-phobia, are againts multicultural attitude. The perception is supported by the religious texts, especially the traditio…
Masyarakat Indonesia adalah masyarakat yang majemuk, terdiri dari beragam etnis, bahasa, ras, dan agama.Realitas demikan meniscayakan bagi berlakunya konsep multikulturalisme.Dalam multikulturalism…
Di tengah multikulturalitas kehiduan, eksistensi pendidikan agama berbasis multikulturalisme merupakan suatu keniscayaan sebagai bingkai sarana internalisasi nilai-nilai multikulturalitas dengan ba…
At least there are two main reasons why the existence of Muhammadiyah within the religious pluralism in Yogyakarta is interesting to be studied.The first raeson is related to the character of Muham…