Bibliografi hlm. 336-350.
Jilbab is a dress (of similar width to ‘long-big dress) worn by women to cover their bodies or aurat in islamic preaching. Aurat according to Islam refers to the intimate parts of the human body …
ABSTRAKrnAdanya berbagai kemajuan teknologi dan perkembangan zaman yangrnserba canggih dan cepat dapat menghasilkan produk-produk yang beraneka ragamrnyang digunakan untuk kebutuhan manusia. Salah …
NIM:E03209020. Bibliografi hlm. 93-95.
Elucidating meaning of a term which later develops to be a concept need a comprehensive understanding and depth knowledge of the term. Genital [awrat, aurat] which arises to be a debatable concept …
Bibliografi hlm. 96-97.