Situasi dunia dewasa ini ditandai dengan bermunculannya pemimpin populis di negara-negara berbagai benua. Mulai dari benua Eropa, Amerika, dan Asia setelah pemilu di Jerman, Filipina, dan Brasil, p…
Islamic puritanism movements are the movements compelling to return to the teachings of Quran and Sunnah, as the pure teachings of Islam and abandon even abolish other teachings outside the teachin…
This article elaborates the phenomenon of fundamentalism and the future of Islamic political ideology. Islamic ideology represents religious views, ideas and movements which aspire to bring Islam i…
In this article, the writer reveals the presence and struggles of Protestant churches in Indonesia doing God’s mission within world’s largest Muslim population country. Firstly, the writer expl…
This study is entitled THE USES OF RELIGIOUS SYMBOL TO REPRESENT ISLAM (A Study on Religious Soap Opera Bukan Islam KTP). The background of the research is based on the facts of the arbitrary use o…
Tuhfat al-Râghibîn is the first book of theology for Banjarese besides the book of Usûl al-Dîn. This book focuses not on the area of surface-structure (outer aspects) but particularly on the de…
This paper focuses on ideology and politics in early hadith codification era in Sunnite, Syi’ites, and Kharijities traditions. Based on their authoritative hadith books, hadith sciences, and hist…
Muhammad Syahrur claims that it is his owwn original and complete finding rooted from the Qur'an about the study of scientific problems and human discourse based on scientific premises of the 20th …
Hizb al tahrir merupakan gerakan dengan fokus perjuangan pada masalah politik. Dalam aktifitas tersebut, raihan penting yang diperjuangkan adalah tegaknya khilafah Islam. Hingga di sini, penulis me…
Pengaruh reformasi politik di Indonesia pada tahun 1999 tidak hanya dirasakan oleh partai-partai politik, tetapi juga berpengaruh bagi wacana politik Islam di ranah organisasi sosial seperti Muhamm…