This paper basically argues that the many social problems that we are now faced are in fact product of the system of our religious education. The educational system of our Madrasas has not thus far…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the development and the implementation of religious education curriculum developed by senior high schools [SMA] under religious foundations. This is a ca…
The research on the implementation of religious education was conducted at the SD Luar Biasa Part B [SD-LB B] Sidakarya Denpasar, Bali Province. The result of this study indicate that the religious…
The research on the implementation of religious education was conducted at the SD Luar Biasa Part B [SD-LB B] Sidakarya Denpasar, Bali Province. The result of this study indicate that the religious…
Since the enactment of Permendiknas [Regulation of Minister of National Education] No. 22 regarding the contents standard [SI], in its implementation it still faces various problems and obstruction…
The research on the implementation of religious education was conducted at the SD Luar Biasa Part B [SD-LB B] Sidakarya Denpasar, Bali Province. The result of this study indicate that the religious…
This research was conducted at MAN 1 Mataram. Focus of this study is an impact of religious education toward health reproduction of students. The main objective of this research is, are there any d…