NIM: E02300040.
Relationship between Islam and Christianity has been [and always] ambivalent: between conflict and peace, between harmony and discord. Qur'an, the scripture of Moslem, invites others to build an in…
Indonesia memiliki Mushaf Al qur'an standar yang menjadi patokan dalam penulisan dan penerbitan Al Qur'an sejak tahun 1984. Ada tiga varian mushaf standar Indonesia, yaitu Mushaf al Qur'an Standar …
There are three opinions in religious discources regarding the law of rasm usmani in Qur'an writings. The first opinion states that rasm usmani is taufiqi [taken for granted from Prophet Muhammad s…
Tariqat Naqsyabandiyah adalah salah satu jalan yang ditempuh dandiyakini bagi sufi untuk dapat mendekatkan dirinya kepada Allah SWT. Sebagai suatu jalan maka dengan melalui Tariqat Naqsyabandiyah d…
Yahudi, Kristen dan Islam biasa disebut agama-agama Ibrahimi, karena pokok-pokok ajarannya bernenek moryang kepada ajaran nabi Ibrahim, yaitu agama yang menekankan keselamatan melalui iman, menekan…
This article explains abaut the weakness of the Torah as main scipture Jews. There problematic area on it, linguistic mode, history of writing and codification and theological pradigm. In the natur…
The origin of jews is from the prophet Ishaq and his son, Ya'qub. For centuries, they had been living freely under Islamic sovereignty. They become cosmopolitan inhabitants who lived freely, moved …
Bibliografi hlm. 143-146.
Bibliografi hlm. 309-312.