This article deals with the discussion by Thabari, Zamakhshari and Thabarsi on naskh, with special reference to verses Q. 2: 106 and Q. 22: 52. The fokus of the paper is on how they anchor the term…
Muhammad bin Idris al Syafi'i dikenal sebagai pemikir dan penulis yang otoritatif dalam bidang fiqih dan ushul fiqih, khususnya dikalangan Sunni. Karya-karyanya dalamdua bidang tersebut menjadi ruj…
This paper looks at the responses of some conteporary muslim scolars on the woman's right issues.These scolars are Amina Wadud, Abd Allah al-Na'im, Asma Barlas, Muhammad Arkoun, Fatima Mernissi, an…