Empowerment management of Baitu Rahim based on Welfare Candramas residence countryside of Pepe District of Sedati Sub-Province of Sidoarjo, the aims are increasing awareness of mosque pilgrim for t…
This paper deals with two practice of popular islam (the rites of passage and the visit to the tomb of the saints) in waru, East Java by the community of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). It is an attemps to u…
Modernisasi di Mesir, yang di mulai semenjak masa invasi napoleon bonaparte [1798] dan dimasa pemerintahan Muhammad 'Ali [1805-1849M] sangat gencar dilakukan, banyak memberikan dampak yang sangat …
In ths context there are consensuses about polarization and some of them no, because not suitable with the religion doctrins which suggest believer for think, analysis and do something. Abu Hayyan …
Bibliografi hlm. 140-144.
Bibliografi hlm. 138-144.
Bibliografi hlm. 131-135.
Bibliografi hlm. 113-117.