Tulisan ini mensajikan formula paradigma baru Lembaga Pengabdiankepada Masyarakat [LPM] perguruan tinggi bagi pembaca dengan harapan nantinya ada upaya serius bagi mereka sebagai pilihan strategi p…
Stream of Neo-Positivistic by inductivity thinking invite criticism from all thinker like Karl Marx, freud, Adler. Newton and Karl Raimund Popper. Single Truth theory which try to be rationalizing …
Tulisan ini hendak menunjukkan bahwa pandangan etika Ibn Miskawaih masih relevan untuk dijadikan acuan sikap dalam kehidupan modern, meskipun konsep konsep etika itu dikontruk jauh sebelum dunia mo…
Study about effort and unemployment work this master grad is dug from institute higher education of College Islamic Religion Country [STAIN] Ponorogo which since forming of have passed many master.…
Indonesian societies that are plural in terms of SARA [suku, agama, ras dan antargolongan], i.e. ethnicity, religion, race and groups, representa potential and at the same time a threat for the uni…
Pendidikan yang berlaku di Indonesia sebagai sub sistem sudah kering dari aspek pedagogis, dan sekolah di negara kita sudah nampak lebih mekanis sehingga seorang anak sekolah cenderung kerdil karen…
This paper analyses the meaning of friday prayer for indonesian muslims students in canberra, Australia. Due to the nature of obligatory prayer (salah) in islam, it is hard to identity the symbolic…
Various model of education system on the market in a state, education having the character of secular education and also with the character of secular education and also with the character of Islam…