Meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa materi pembelahan sel menggunakan Discovery Learning berbasis LKS Divergen di SMAN 14 Surabaya
Action Research This class aims to improve students’ critical thinking on cell division material through Discovery Learning model based on Divergen LKS. The study was conducted 2 cycles in October 2017. Data in the form of teacher action, student learning outcomes in the form of cognitive ability and critical thinking skills of students. Indicator of the success of student learning increasing the value of learning outcomes with student completeness of 95 % The result of research shows that the implementation of Discovery Learning model based on LKS di verging on the subject of cell division carried out according to the learning step and teacher guidance, can improve student learning result that is cognitive ability and critical thinking skill of students experience improvement after learning, that is average of 70 study result in cycle I and 82 in cycle 2. Classical completeness 52,5 % after cycle I and 95 % after cycle II. Increased critical thinking of students by 0.78 high category
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