Ekonomi Islam dalam perspektif al Qur'an dan Hadis : telaah atas bunga bank, zakat dan upah /
Islam economic is post from Allah laws decanted in al Qur'an and al Hadits Islam do not prohibit the human being to practice on in each commerce, however ridho of Allah Swt, becoming real target. Core from economics of Moslem law there 4 is profit and loss sharing, lawful and thayyib, religious pbligatory, and payee of labour wages before sweat often. PLS will squire the human being to up hold the justice attitude by sharing result and shar the loss. Foght againts from PLS of lap system. Good and lawfull represent the distinguishment between which rights and which batil. Illicit something thet will become the barrier for a slave with the Allah Swt. Allah Swt dzat which gppd the most and lovej to anu good. Religious obligatoru cleaner for our state 2.5 persen from our producer become the rights for one who unable to. As complement from economic base Moslem law is pay the lablur wages. How it's glory Islam teaching, touch to prosperity of all worker which during the time overruling.ifa.
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