The essence of a healthy life is a state in which a human being has a good physiological, physiological,social, and spiritual condition both as an individual and a social being. With such aconditio…
Assertiveness is a behavior of a person to be able to expres opinions, desires, feeling and beliefs to the others directly, honestly and transparently. Assertiveness is not a default behavior but i…
One of parents’ roles in family life is delivering religious volues. This can be applied in the family in three methods, bilhikmah (Wisely), bilmauidzhhon hasanah (with good advice), and bilmuja…
Religion Playys an importan role in a family life.As a family, we should continuously apply islamic values as a foundation in pursuing the family life. Thiis foundation as a guidance and direction …
There's prohibition in Islam for wife to become a career women. On the contrary, Islam encoureges all muslim including women to work and to be career women as long as their works are in accordance…
Jual Balit" is principally implemented similiar to ijarah [rent] in Islamic Syari'ah. it is farmer right to cultivate others owned field based on a contract between lessee and owner. The research …
This paper deals with the problem of child protection from an Islamic perspective. It starts by discussing the Islamic teaching concerning family values and the function of family in child educatio…
Having a family life is a basic need of every individual.This is aimed at reaching a harmonious family life, both in sufficiency or in insufficiency.To achieve this state, every individual need to …
Mediasi adalah salah satu metode resolusi konflik yang banyak menjadi kajian stusi Alternative Dispute Resolution [ADR], atau Resolusi Konflik Alternatif. Kelebihan dari teori ini terletak pada met…
Hubungan antara kaum wanita dan Hukum Islam senantiasa menjadi kajian yang menarik. Hukum Islam telah mengangkat harkat kaum wanita yang martabatnya telah diinjak-injak kaum pria pada jaman Jahiliy…