This article discusses the dialetics between the benefit and the text in shari’ah. The purpose of shari’ah is to reach the benefit of mankind. It means that the entire texts and their laws serv…
Seiring dengan semakin berkembangnya lembaga keuangan shari’ah di Indonesia, problem-problem perbankan shari’ah juga semakin banyak terjadi di Indonesia. Masalah selanjutnya yang muncul adalah …
This article discusses the thinking of Haji Agus Salim about aqîdah, sharî‘ah, and Ihsân. Regarding the Agus Salim’s thinking about Aqeedah, he covers the concept of tawhîd (the deity), des…
Ijtihat conducted by Ali ibn Abi Talib continuqusly to understand in depth the purpose of Islamic law and reason for its implementation,and to realize maslahah (the pablic good) fopr human life on …
Problematika menurunnya daya beli mata uang setelah mengalami inflasi, memiliki dampak yang buruk bagi kehidupan masyarakat, baik dari segi ekonomi, sosial, maupun politik. Akibatnya, akan terjadi …
Islam menampakkan karakteristiknya sebagai agama yang sarat dengan pembelaannyaterhadap unsur-unsur kemanusiaan. Secara historis, nilai-nilai tersebut dieksperimentasikan dalam kehidupan sejak awal…
This article is overall not the historical approach to the intriguing discussion on Islamic Jurisprudence but it is real historical data which reconstruct how Islamic laws was considered as applica…
Materi pembelajaran di sekolah/madrasah sangat menentukan tercapai atau tidaknya tujuan pembelajaran. Materi pembelajaran merupakan inti dalam proses pembelajaran, sehingga seringkali orang mengang…
This article is part of the consolidated results of research on Indonesia Scholar's work in South Kalimantan, conducted by the institute for Religion Research, Semarang. The study was carried out i…
This article is overall not the historical approach to the intriguing discussion on Islamic Jurisprudence but it is real historical data which reconstruct how Islamic laws was considered as applica…