The Nahdlatul ulama [NU] is a dominant Islamic organization in Indonesia which was founded by a number of kiyai [prominent muslims scholar] belonged to the Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah. As an Islamic soc…
This article tries to analize the doctrine and development of tarekat tijaniyah, the existence of which in Indonesia [Especially Java] has prompted to provoke some doubts on the status of its sound…
Madrasah Nizamiyah represent prototype early to higher educationinstitute taken as instrument for the sake of education, religion, politics and governance with understanding background embraced by …
Aceh is considered to be the greatest source of islamic manuscripts texts in the malay world.It was in the region that the first great Islamic kingdom appeared so this does not suprised.
Religion and culture are two entities which always interact each others.Interaction between religion and culture can manifest in form of cohesiveness religion into community culture in the form of …
Whilst many literature and books tended to approach Bahdlatul Ulama (NU) as just amng many political players, later works focused on NU's interest and power relations vis-a-vis the state as the mos…
Islam as a ideology brings out the social theory in according to its paradigm for the social transformation towards the Islamic order of society to realize justice and the unity of community. Islam…