Artikel ini ditulis bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran perpustakaan dalam memberikan konstribusi kualitas mahasiswa yang belajar di perguruan tinggi. Tulisan artikel ini merupakan hasil dari eksplora…
Pembelajaran demokratis adalah suatu strategi pembelajaran yang mengoptimalkan pernanan siswa ketika proses pembelajaran berlangsung dan adanya hubungan timbal balik yang seimbang antara guru dan s…
Peran dunia pendidikan untuk melahirkan generasi muda yang berkarakter sangat diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang berkualitas. Oleh karena itu kehadiran lembaga p…
The development of a global society in line with advances in information and communication technology leads the formation of the global village integrated through modern media communications. One w…
The article deals with K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari’s thought of character education. The result of the study indicates that according to K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari the characters of teachers and students in…
In each disaster response done by volunteers, sometimes there are emerging issues of religious dissemination and the volunteers are expulsed because of breaching the local values. The use of mosque…
Dangding as a literary work is only meaningful when chanted. When one just reads in his/her mind silently, dangding becomes dry and lacks of meaning. This paper discusses the position of Mustapa’…
The development of consumer culture that increasingly strengthe ned creates very significant cultural implications in sciety, Shift in the meaning of the commodity-value products in order to be a s…
This paper examines the influence of Persia in the history of Malay culture and litarature. Persian influence appears in prayers, religious ceremonies and the tendency towards Sufi ideas. It is als…