Customer relationship management is a marketing strategy that builds profitable business relationship with selected prospect customers and the aim is to create customers loyalty. The CRM concept is…
The advance of a state is decided by the human resource, particularly the information competence. Libraries have an important role to increase this resource by improving the society literacy. Endea…
Lately the term information literacy is often discussed this awareness needs to be appreciated. Even in Indonesia it can be said to be late, but considering the importance of the benefits of inform…
CDS-ISIS is a library software developed by UNESCO, to help the library managers in developing countries that less budget to develop it. In accordance with the need to fast access on data and the f…
Today, many libraries such as academic library have developed local digital repositories. A significant increase in the development of repositories is expected with technology and process improveme…
In this article, the author presents the result of her study on the use of information technology in a modern religious boarding school [pesantren modern] al Amanah in the village of Junwangi, Kria…
Dissemination is an activity aimed at target groups or individuals so that they obtain information, there is awareness, acceptance, and ultimately use that information for their own interest. Disse…
One of the most important uses of Management Information System is organizing raw data into meaningful information for decisions making process. This system is a mechanism designed to collect, anal…
Perpustakaan sebagai pusat informasi tidak saja mengemban fungsi sosial sebagai salah satu sarana pembelajaran bangsa, akan tetapi juga memiliki nilai jual ekonomi yang tinggi. Selaras dengan fungs…
The paper aims to give contribution on thought and point of view, also questioning about the lack of privacy while using internet. This is responding to some cases on individual or organization con…