NIM: A01395147.
Studi ini berkanaan dengan kesulitan belajar bagi mahasiswa reguler dan eksternal dalam mempelajari bahasa indonesia sebagai bahasa asing di Nothern territory university, Darwin, Australia dan hubu…
When someone try to be communicated with Allah, he absolutely will use Nur Muhammad that it has Sijal Qadim and Huduth. At the time, people or servant will to reach Allah by using Nur Muhammad it g…
Some people are not aware that their children have some potention in her/his life.In this case, they feel confuse when they find that teir children get bad score in mathematics, then they deliver t…
The logic of Aristhotel consists of silogism, originally, Aristhotel work or invention. The silogism is the real form of deduction, namely, the conclusion from general case to special case. The Ari…
Bibliografi hlm. 103-104.
Bibliografi hlm. 81.
Bibliografi hlm. 268-269.