NIM:D04208040. Bibliografi hlm. 75-77.
NIM:D04208047. Bibliografi hlm. 110-111.
NIM:D74208070. Bibliografi hlm. 82-83.
NIM:D34208029. Bibliografi hlm. 111-112.
NIM:D74208071. Bibliografi hlm. 125-127.
In teaching learning process at school, the role of teacher is very necessary to help the students to get the maximum result of their study. In order to get the enjoyable teaching learning process,…
Tujuan penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pembelajaran dengan pendekatan problem posing terhadap hasil belajar matematika. Penelitian dilakukan di MTs Negeri 22 kampus B Munjul J…
The use of any methods and media in the learning process has both advantages and disadvantages. Similarly, the teaching of math assisted by computer might be beneficial or give less impact to the s…
Setelah IQ [Intellectual Quotient], EQ [Emotional Quotient], SQ [Spiritual Quotient] atau biasa disebut kecerdasan finansial. Hal ini dikarenakan salah satu cabang dalam ilmu keuangan yang berkemba…
This research examines the importance of a scools climate characterized by high levels of academic emphasis. Effective schools research is reviewed to develop a conceptual model undergirding the me…