ABSTRAK rnSkripsi berjudul (makna al-basyar dan al-ins n dan al-n s dalam al-). Dalam memahami bahasa arab yang merupakan bahasa induk al- akan lepas dari beberapa perangkat yaitu ilmu yang mempel…
Description of human being existence in universe in its relation with Islamic Education, representing part of vitally, because descriptively can know clearly about human being potency and also can …
Changes to human behavior is the ultimate goal all that effort in the education process. To lead to these changes, must first discuss the meaning of the discourse of education. In the educational p…
Changes to human behavior is the ultimate goal all that effort in the education process. To lead to these changes, must first discuss the meaning of the discourse of education. In the educational p…
Change in human behavior is the end goal of the educational process. To lead its change accuratly it's important to study about education discourse deeply. In the education perspective, to understa…