Pernikahan, sebagai salah satu dari ranah subyek kajian Islam, seringkali memunculkan permasalahan dalam sejumlah hal, termasuk ketika ia direlasikan dengan poligami. Poligami seringkali hanya dili…
Pertumbuhan angkutan informasi ojek di Kecamatan Candi Kabupaten Sidoarjo semakin lama semakin meningkat baik yang ada dipinggiran maupun didalam kota. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui…
The name of Islam is derived from the word "peace". When we enter a house we do not say "hi" to eact other
The objective of this study is to examine the contribution of integrated pest management technology to significant decease in use of pesticides in rice production. This study was conducted in Yogya…
Teori-teori ekonomi konvensional banyak dijadikan obyek kritik oleh para ekonom Muslim.Mereka berkeyakinan bahwa aplikasi teori-teori ekonomi konvensional tersebut hanya akan membawa kesengsaraan b…
The development of general education program at Islamic Religious Tertiary Education [PTAI] is feasible to conduct in order to meet the people's demand, in addition to increase enrollment and impro…
All countries in the world have an idea to make an equilibrium condition of their national economic life. To achieve it, they have tried to make balanced price in their market based on their econom…