Permasalahan seputar universalitas dan partikularitas al-Qur'an menjadi isu sentral yang telah memicu perdebatan serius di kalangan sarjana muslim karena al-Qur'an, sebagai kitab suci, melampaui wa…
The contact between universality of Islam and lokality of muslim conditions produces what is called local Islam is very colorful in accordance which its local contexts. So, to view local Islam apar…
Tantangan agama di era sekarang bukan saja datang dari agama-agama lain yang acapkali diklaim sebagai saingan keras dalam mengarahkan peradaban manusia, juga bukan saja sains dan teknologi yang kin…
Dalam konteks umum sekarang ini, pemicu konflik-konflik yang adadi Timur Tengah adalah minyak. Khususnya di Arab Saudi, Irak dan Kuwait, konfliktersebut terutama disebabkan oleh dua hal, yaitu 1)he…
Ibn 'Arabi is one of the prominent and authoritative thinkers onIslamic mysticisms. Among his starting and briliant ideasis the unity of religions [wahdah al adyan], one of the fundamental ideas of…
Globalization is a historical fact that has significant influence on society's life system.This condition has to face with wise reaction.Islam as religion that have universal and glbal order, certa…
In general it is assumed that a primitive community is featured as a group of people with various backwardness, ignarance and even unaquianted with values, religious, spirit and God.Therefore, thei…