Two aspects in Islamic teachings are normative and historical aspects. These two aspects are always intertwined throughout history. However, there are some Muslims who were less notice one of that …
Two aspects in Islamic teachings are normative and historical aspects. These two aspects are always intertwined throughout history. However, there are some Muslims who were less notice one of that …
Penelitian tentang ayat-ayat ummah dalam al Qur'an telah banyak dilakukan. Namun, apa yang dilakukan oleh para pemikir muslim seringkali mengabaikan struktur internal ayat. Artinya, sebelum pilihan…
Polytheism and unjust social power haven been conceptually rejected by the Qur'an. Unfortunattely, its religious message is not properly understood by many Moslem scholars. They interpret it to leg…
Tulisan ini bermaksud untuk memperkuat posisi feminisme sosialis dengan justifikasi al qur'an serta kesesuaiannya sebagai solusi persoalan gender di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan filosof…
The hadis of ahli sunnah wa al jama'ah wa popularized, although there is no in shahihain, by scholar of Abbasiyah state in 232 H to make the scholar of al asy'ariah as state ideology. Thais scolar …
Although it was glorious history in world civilizatiuon in the past, Islamic civilization has no influencing power now. Among the causes of the backwardness of Islamic civilization, especially rela…
Pascakenabian, hal-hal yang muncul di luar kebiasaan selalu menjadi perdebatan yang tak kunjung selesai.Bagian dari yang diperdebatkan itu adalah tentang karamah para wali.Bagi pendukungnya, perist…