Akreditasi perpustakaan adalah kegiatan dalam rangka mengevaluasi seluruh aktifitas penyelenggarakan perpustakaan diukur berdasarkan standar kualitas
Koleksi adalah sumber daya perpustakaan yang harus terus dikembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pemustaka. Memahami nilai keterpakaian koleksi perpustakaan sangat penting dalam rangka meningkatkan ku…
EQ had a role to give a strong certainty. It would have advantage to understand the reality of emotion instantly, and make appraisal shortly, so that one can show will be distrusted, who have to tr…
A man, in economical cycles, often exchange roles of being producers or consumers conditionally. Each role mutually relates to another role. Someone may not be a producer if there is no consumer an…